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Coralium or curalium, it’s a word taken from classic source to indicate the “corallium rubrum” of the Mediterranean. For a long time it was considered a plant, but in the first half of the XVIIIth century, it was discovered that it was made up by animals which created calcareas secretion.

In addition, that secretion created the well –known ramified structures. Fishing and coral manufacturing were practised in all Mediterranean, from it the coral was exported throughout known countries, passing through streets which were used to import spices and silk .

Since 1400 Torre del Greco was interested to coral fishing and fishermen of Torre del Greco, for their secular experience moved to African coast.In the seventh century the hostility of French company royal of Africa raised, it obstructed all foreigners fishermen for assuring themselves the monopoly on the
coral fishing. For frequent controversies in 1780 fishermen of Torre del Greco asked to Bourbon a regulation of the coral fishing; that enquiry allowed to the proclamation of coral code after 10 years. Besides it was convenient to transfer coral manufacturing where it was fished, so under the regency of the High magistrate of Commerce G.B.Tanucci there was a treaty of coral fishing about the displacement of manufacturing and sale to the capital of kingdom.In 1790 the foundation of “Real company of Coral “ was approved ,which gave to people of Torre del Greco the exclusive power for the sale of coral. Unluckily that company hadn’t success, but marseillase P. B. Martin obtained, in 1805, by king Ferdinando IV ten-year authorization, it was renewed both G. Napoleone and Murat to open a factory in Torre del Greco.

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